Dr. Samsul Islam
Having received a prestigious University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship, Samsul completed his PhD in Maritime Logistics and Transportation at the Centre for Supply Chain Management (CSCM) at the University of Auckland (one of the top 100 universities in the world in today’s QS World University Ranking). He has also been supported in his PhD research project by the Ports of Auckland authority and many other New Zealand road transport carriers (e.g., Cubic Transport Services, PBT Transport, Carr and Haslam Limited and Cleeve Transport). Samsul also holds the Adlerbert Foundation Scholarship and completed his masters-level courses at Sweden’s renowned University of Gothenburg, where he had begun his research in the logistics and transportation fields. He received scholarship for his outstanding results in his undergrad degree as well. He has also been nominated for German DAAD Scholarship, one of the world’s top scholarship awards.
“Be the Shepherd of [God’s] flock that is under your care and do this with eagerness to serve but without pursuing any dishonest gain” EXCERPT FROM THE HOLY BIBLE, 1 PETER 5:2
Samsul is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia, Canada); working mostly on multi-million dollar “Shipping resilience to marine transportation disruption” project. This interdisciplinary project aims to improve understanding of how coastal marine transportation systems would be disrupted in hazard events, how such disruption would impact coastal communities, and what strategies could effectively address this risk. This research is expected to enhance the capacity of stakeholders to understand the risk, prepare in advance, and respond effectively in emergencies, thereby reducing disaster losses to coastal communities. There are other renowned universities involved with this project too. For example, University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Victoria (Canada) and University of Washington (USA). This is an interdisciplinary project that brings together some of his research interests such us maritime logistics and safety, transportation, AIS, and supply chain issues.
Samsul’s earlier research works and studies have earned him many levels of recognition through which he has received multiple distinguished awards. These outstanding awards include:
- One of the top 12 finalists of the International PhD Student Competition of 2011 in Adelaide, Australia out of 21 participating countries.
- One of the top 20 qualifiers of the ESI 2012 Conference in Bremen, Germany among top students from all over the world, based on producing high-quality research papers.
- Best Presentation Award at the University of Auckland Business School (UABS) PhD conference in 2012.
- One of the top six winners of the University of Auckland Doctoral Publication Award in both 2012 and 2013 for demonstrating outstanding research interests in Operations and Supply Chain Management.
- One of the top ten projects of the “Green Transport Prize of 2013” in Edinburgh (projects were nominated from individuals and organizations from all over the world).
Samsul currently has an extensive professional and international exposure in the applied areas of Maritime Logistics and Safety, Automatic Identification System (AIS), Humanitarian Logistics, Disaster Risk Management, Sustainable Transportation, and Sharing Economy. He has already published papers in highly-renowned journals in these areas, such as International Journal of Logistics Management, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, and Business Process Management Journal. He is also currently revising manuscripts for submission to International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Production Planning and Control, Transport Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Disasters, Expert Systems with Applications, and Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
Samsul has have become sufficiently qualified to serve as a logistics and supply chain teacher for undergrad and postgrad level courses on Logistics and Supply Chain Management for a continuous period of over seven years. Along with this transitional time period of discovery, learning activity and the manipulation of whiteboards, his many years of earlier professional experience as a trained researcher has provided him with a wider view that is customary. This continues to be acknowledged as being very useful, particularly in assisting students with their academic issues, and bridging the gap between the university and workplace environments. Through his active day-to-day participation as a teacher, which has well-equipped him with sound communication and managerial skills, a degree of self-confidence and a strong interest in teaching. He has taught many supply chain courses, such as: (a) Operations Management; (b) Supply Chain Management; (c) Distribution Management; (d) Logistics and Transportation; (e) Green Supply Chain Management; (f) Supply Chain Risk Management; and (g) Demand Planning and Inventory Management.
Samsul is excited about sharing his ideas (and concepts) and looks forward to the next opportunity to give back to the business community by offering the experience, expertise, and knowledge he has gained over the past years. He aims to undertake additional research opportunities with the logistics and transport sector in the future. For anyone who is interested in collaboration or is in need of an expert in operations, maritime logistics and supply chain management and has the technical know-how to get the job done, Samsul can be reached at [email protected].
Research Interests
- Humanitarian Logistics
- Risk Analysis and Management
- Disaster Risk Mitigation and Management
- Automatic Identification System (AIS)
- Maritime Logistics, Maritime Transportation Modeling, Maritime Safety
- Transport capacity management, Six Sigma, Continuous improvement
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC)
Experience with Funding Application
- Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI)
- AXA Research Fund
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- Academy of Finland’s Funding
Journal Articles
Conference Articles
Islam, S. (2014), “Why Don’t We Simply Share Our Container Trucks?”, Logistics & Transport (NZ), Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 17-18.